Thursday, June 25, 2009

CCC Update

Happy Summer!

Last Sunday was the first official day of Summer. It is good to see everyone coming to church during these busy summer months. We are having a great summer at church. The kids are having a blast in their "Live it Out" program. So far they've had Olympics and a Spider Man bouncy house! I almost skipped church last Sunday. In the main service we are in the middle of a series called "Timeless" discussing the timeless wisdom of Proverbs. This Sunday's message we will discover how to tell if we are wise or not.

We have a guest worship team coming to visit this Sunday. You may have heard them before... "Apple Hoarse" is their name. Our regular team has been invited to play at another church this Sunday and we thought "ok... just this ONCE!!". No, really we are happy to share our musicians with others (every now and then). Come this Sunday with a friend. These guys are a talented group of youngsters.

A special thanks to Tim Wonacott for the great job he is doing with our mowing and trimming around the property. He is out here every week for several hours doing a great job for us and the Lord. If you see him around, be sure and thank him for his hard work.

I'd also like to thank all of our Upstreet workers who are enjoying a well deserved rest in the summer time. They did a fantastic job last year with our kids. We are all indebted to you guys for the work you have done. We have THE BEST kids program in town thanks to you!

Praise the Lord we are seeing our offering climb and are starting to pay more on our mortgage now. Thank you for your faithful giving. Continue to pray for Heather Copner, who is recovering from surgery and Heidi Braden who goes in on July 7. Our thoughts and prayers are with both of you.

That's it for now... exciting things are just around the corner! See you Sunday


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

CCC Update

Hello Everybody!

Summer is upon us! Is your summer off to a great start? This Sunday we will be finishing up our series on the family with "Raising Idaho," a message on parenting. There is so much to say about being a parent we could not possible cover it all. We will, however, focus in on something that I think every child needs... a hero. How can we be heros to our kids? It is easier than you think.

Live it Out, our summer program for the kids, got off to a great start last Sunday. Rob and Heidi led the kids in a fun time of relays and games and had a bible lesson as well. This is a good time to bring kids to visit our church. The summer is going to be packed with fun activities for them during the 10 a.m. hour.

The Xtreme camping trip is coming up on June 26-28 for all of our teens. Great memories are built at times like these as well as lasting impressions about God and life. The kids are going to be up at lucky peak camping out, cooking out, boating, jet skiing, and worshipping around the camp fire. Make sure your teen knows all about this and is planning to go. Don't forget there is a web site for our teens with news and updates as well as inspiring posts at .

I know that many of you have not entered the Twitter universe and have no intention of doing so. If, however, you are up for some techno fun you can find me at ccbcboise on Twitter. If you follow me you will get daily updates from me about what is going on in my world and the church's. Also, check out the pastor's blog at . This is so much fun, I don't know how you can stand it.

Prayer and Thanksgiving: Thank the Lord and all of you for helping us meet our budget number in the month of May. Our final offering amount was $13,600! If we stay focused through the summer we will be well on our way to gaining ground for our exciting future. Lets all pray for two of our ladies with upcoming surgeries. Heidi Braden and Heather Copner will both be having surgery in the near future. Please pray for God to bless their doctors and give them full recovery as well as wisdom for all decisions they are faced with surrounding these treatments.

Looking forward to seeing you all Sunday...
